How much is enough?

Thank you for requesting a PDF copy of ‘Enough?: How Much Money Do You Need For The Rest of Your Life, Without the fear and worry of it ever running out?’ by Dukes Lifestyle Financial Planning.

The truth is that many people have absolutely no concept of where their finances are heading. They may have a considerable amount of assets and a high income, but what does this all mean? Is it enough to last?

This book will help you to discover how much money is enough for you.

By providing you with confidence and understanding of your own financial situation, you will become aware of how much money you need to not only survive, but to enjoy life to the fullest.


“This book will challenge many of your assumptions about money and life. So transparently stated, so succinctly put, so incisive in logic. It will grab your heart and your better senses about what really matters in life.” – Adrian Duke-Cohan Director, Dukes Financial Planning.


Click the ‘Download’ button below to get your free copy.


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    If reading this book has made you wish to take control of your finances, here at Dukes Lifestyle Financial Planning, we would be happy to help.

    We are lifestyle financial planners who help people understand what it takes to live life to the full. We can work with you to create the blueprint for the future you want, providing direction and meaning to your financial decisions so you can ultimately achieve your goals and enjoy the lifestyle you’ve worked hard for.

    If you would like to discuss your options, simply get in touch. Arrange a free, no-obligation consultation by emailing us at, or calling us on 0203 824 2242.



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